Bionam2019 has just ended with the participation of scientists from all over the world. It was a wonderful experience that we are happy to have shared with everyone. During the conference friendships and collaborations were born.

For more info, download our brochure

We have created a synthetic map of the participants’ skills that represents the seed for future research projects.

click on the picture to zoom in


Stefano Piotto Piotto

Associate Professor at the University of Salerno
Department of Pharmacy

Federico Rossi

Associate Professor at the University of Siena
Department of Physical sciences, Earth and environment

Simona Concilio

Associate Professor at the University of Salerno
Department of Pharmacy

Lucia Sessa

Researcher at the University of Salerno
Department of Pharmacy

Conference program

Selected Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Bio and Nanomaterials, BIONAM 2019, have been published in the Springer book series “Lecture Notes in Bioengineering” 

With the support of: